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Invoice Statuses: Draft, Unpaid, Paid, Overdue, Cancelled and Refunded
Invoice Statuses: Draft, Unpaid, Paid, Overdue, Cancelled and Refunded

Everything you need to know about the different invoice statuses and how to keep track of your invoices

Updated over 4 months ago

Invoices can have 6 different statuses: Draft, Unpaid, Paid, Overdue, Cancelled and Refunded.


The “Draft” status means that the invoice is in editing mode and can still be changed. You can view and check the invoice PDF via the preview feature. In draft status, the invoice does not yet have an invoice number.


If you finalise an invoice in draft mode, it will initially have the status "Unpaid".

When you finalise an invoice, an invoice number is assigned, and the invoice PDF is stored securely. If you deposit a payment that does not yet cover the full invoice amount, the invoice will remain in "Unpaid" status.

A cancellation invoice for a paid invoice also receives the status "Unpaid". This indicates that the amount must still be paid, refunded to the invoice recipient.


Once you have received payment for the invoice, you can deposit the payment via the open document or the list view under the three grey dots. The status only changes to paid when the entire payment has been received.

The invoice may previously have had the status of "Unpaid" or "Overdue".


You can manually or automatically mark an unpaid invoice as overdue. You can trigger the automatic marking by entering a payment term in the respective invoice. If this expires without the invoice being marked as paid, it is given the status "Overdue".

If you enter a payment that does not yet cover the entire invoice amount, the invoice remains in the "Overdue" status.


If one of your invoices is incorrect or no longer valid, you can cancel it. This invoice will then have the status "Cancelled". In addition, another cancellation invoice will be created with the next consecutive number.


The refunded status always refers to cancellation invoices, which are automatically created with the next consecutive invoice number as soon as you cancel an invoice.

In the case of unpaid and overdue invoices, cancellation invoices immediately have the status "Refunded". No action is required here, the amount does not have to be paid back to the invoice recipient.

If you cancel paid invoices, the resulting cancellation invoice initially has the status "Unpaid". However, you can mark this as Refunded as soon as you have repaid the amount to the invoice recipient.

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