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Edit invoices: In draft mode

Everything you need to know about the most important invoice properties and components, such as invoice type, services, and items

Updated over 3 months ago

After creating an invoice in one of the ways described here, you’ll be in the invoice draft mode. Here, you can edit the components and content as follows:

Assign to a customer and project

First, select the customer from your existing master list or create a new customer directly. If you have created the invoice without an associated project, you can do so now in the "Select project" field. You can also create an invoice independently of a project.

Invoice details

At the top of the draft, you’ll see the fields "Invoice title" and "Invoice date". Other invoice types, such as deposit and interim invoices, can only be created within a project. If you want to create a standard invoice, keep the default invoice type as "Invoice".

The Invoice title field is pre-filled, but you can edit this. The default invoice date is the date on which the draft invoice was created. You can change this by entering a date directly, or selecting the correct date using the small calendar.

Introduction text and service period

OfficeOn has pre-filled an introduction text for you. You’re welcome to use this, or you can add your own text. These edits will only affect the current invoice. If you want to make permanent changes to the introduction text across all invoices, just go to the "Text & layouts" section under "Settings". There you can also create different text templates for the introduction text and then choose from these in the invoice draft.

Below the introduction text, you can adjust the service period for the invoice.

Service groups and services

Next in the draft is the "Services" section. Here, you can add the right services and items for the invoice.

Service groups help you to keep an overview of your invoice, especially if you have lots of different items. Name the service groups however you like, e.g. "Materials" or "Labour", or according to the different jobs you’re doing for a customer, such as "Bathroom reno" or "Kitchen reno".

Create additional service groups using the "Add service group" field. You can delete these by placing them in the grey waste bin next to each service group. Of course, you can also work with just one service group. If you leave the field empty, it won’t be displayed.

You can add individual items under each service group. Under “Type”, you can choose between “Labour”, “Material”, “Mixed services” or “Other”. The next two fields allow you to select the quantity and the unit.

Under “Description”, you can add the name of the service. OfficeOn will remember this name (as well as all other fields) so that it will be suggested as a previously used article when you enter its first letters in subsequent quotes and invoices.

If you are entering a service for the first time, you still need to add the price in the “Purchase price” field. Add a markup percentage in the neighbouring field. This then automatically calculates the markup value and the total price. The purchase price, markup won’t be visible to your customer in the finished invoice.

The next line is the “Additional description” field. Add more information about the item listed above. You can also add all items to the catalogue from this form.

Additional services are created via "+ Add service".

Delete and move items

You can delete a service using the blue waste bin to the right of each item. If you want to move an item and assign it to a different service group, just drag and drop it to the right place: first, move your mouse cursor to the item in question. 6 dots will now appear to the left of the item. Now hover the mouse over these dots, and the cursor will change into a small hand. Hold down the left mouse button to drag the item to any desired location. OfficeOn will automatically adjust the numbering of your items and service groups.

Net amount, discount, VAT and total amount

In the invoice, below the service groups and items, you’ll see the net amount, as well as the total markup of the invoice.

You can now apply a discount on the entire invoice. Choose between different VAT rates that you have previously created in the settings area. Once you select the VAT rate, OfficeOn automatically recalculates the total amount.

Payment terms and early payment discount

At the bottom left of the draft, you can select a payment term. You can define the default setting for payment terms under "Billing" in the settings.

To apply an early payment discount to your invoices, use the field at the bottom right of the draft. Enter the appropriate percentage and the time frame within which you would like to grant a discount. The total amount to be paid is calculated automatically and appears on the invoice together with the payment term selected.

Closing text

You can find the "Closing text" field at the very bottom of the draft. Edit this field as you see fit, any changes will not be applied to subsequent invoices. If you want to make permanent changes to this closing text, or create different closing text templates you can do so in Settings.

Check and complete invoices

Once you’ve successfully edited your draft invoice, you can check it using the preview option in the top right corner. This preview shows you how the invoice will appear in the final version.

If you’re happy with this preview and have confirmed that the invoice is correct, you can complete it in the top right corner.

You can now either download the invoice, print it out, or email it directly to your customer.

Please note: all services included in the invoice are transferred to any subsequent appointments and invoices created from this invoice.

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